Eagle County Pioneer Talk: Sarah Doherty September 21

Saturday, September 21, 2019, 2 pm

Eagle County Pioneer Sarah Doherty

First Christian Church, 1326 N. 1st Street, Grand Junction, CO.

Sarah Doherty was a frightened Irish immigrant when she first arrived at the Red Cliff train depot in 1883. An independent, unmarried woman, Sarah eventually homesteaded at Dotsero where she became known as the “Cattle Queen of the Badlands.” Hear her story at a special presentation by local historian Kathy Heicher for the Territorial Daughters of Colorado, Western Chapter. Free.


Hike Through History: Mitchell Creek & Camp Hale, Sept. 8, 2019

  Sunday, September 8, 2019, 9 am

We covered about 80 years of Eagle County history in our recent Camp Hale history hike with Walking Mountain Science Center. Hikers spent the morning up on Tennessee Pass, checking out the 1880s charcoal kilns used to create fuel for mine smelters.

Camp Hale historians Flint Whitlock and David Little shared stories of the 10th Mountain Division and their training site in Eagle County. They even regaled the group by singing a few bars of some World War II soldier songs. History is fun in Eagle County!