Minutes For Past Meetings
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Learn about the Eagle County Historical Society
March 2025
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
March 6, 2025
Present: Kathy Heicher, Helen Lindow, Joanne Cermak, Marion Laughlin, and Willy Powell (by phone)
New Business
Museum Security-The board continued discussing a museum security system through the town of Eagle. Using the town system assures that police and others can monitor the system. The board will pursue cost sharing with the town as the barn and out buildings are property of the town. Willy will ask the town if labor fees for the installation can be waived and if the timeline for installation can happen before museum opening in May. The board will vote on this project in April after response from the town.
Capital Museum Projects 2025-The outside visitors’ bench has been ordered. Willy will arrange for the slab to be poured along with the slab for the Avon school bell. He will also talk to Adam B to see about the possibility of a roof for the bell and to the town maintenance department about moving sprinkler heads to avoid spraying bench and bell.
Dennis has agreed to take on refurbishing the ranch display area. This project would require removing the rocks, evaluating the flooring and making adjustments to the artifact placement. Some artifacts can be move to the blacksmith shop creating room for the ranch diorama.
Derby Cow Camp Cabin Preservation-Bill Johnson is writing a grant for the preservation of the Derby Creek Cabin. The cow camp was used historically by range riders and forest service rangers. He has asked for ECHS’ support and to process this application through the established non-profit ECHS. The forest service will own and maintain the camp.
Quilt Raffle-ECHS will hold a quilt raffle again this year for a quilt named the Eagle River Valley Quilt. This beautiful quilt will be on display at the museum. Tickets are $5 for one ticket and $10 for 3 tickets.
Continuing Business
Pioneer Tombstone Project-The Doc Gilpin tombstone in Redcliff has been ordered from Carlson Memorial and they will set the stone. This year’s tombstone project is in the Eagle cemetery and will provide for 5 headstones for members of the Fulford family. Snyder Memorial will produce and set the stones. Another $1000 will be in next year’s budget for 5 additional headstones for other Fulford family members. The local chapter of the DAR has generously donated $300 for this year’s Doc Gilpin project.
Charley Peterson Day-The Charley Peterson pop-up event will be held again this year on Charley’s birthday, Tuesday, April 8 at the Gypsum Cemetery from noon to 1pm. A short presentation will be delivered and breakfast burritos will be available for a $10 purchase. Reese will send out a notice to members and Kathy will put an ad in the paper. The Belden manuscript written by Malcom Osborne, the first Charley Peterson grant recipient, has nearly been formatted and readied for printing. Twenty five copies will be printed spiral bound and distributed to county’s libraries. The manuscript on Belden history has 77 pages with photos.
2025 Events-The board is looking into fundraising events for 2025. The board was enthusiastic about a Night At The Museum, a popular event last held in 2021. Kathy will contact Martin Gilmore about the possibility of having him perform at the event. He sings song of the American west.
Mark Your Calendars
CMC history lecture series, 6-7:30
Haunted Colorado Ghost Towns- Wednesday, April 2
Utes- May 7
Charley Peterson Event- Tuesday April 8 at the Gypsum Cemetery
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is April 3, 2025.
January 2025
Eagle County Historical Society
Thursday, January 9
Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Helen Lindow, Willy Powell and Reese Stutsman
New Business
Colorado Gives Day summary- 47 donors
On-line donations 2024 (includes monthly donations) = $5,634
Off-line giving December 2024 =$5,941
Total= $11,575
The total amount of donations will help cover the cost of running the museum. It is our best year of donations. So now we have $47,000 in banking account and about $49,000 in CDs. Due to stability in bank account, were going to roll over the CDs
Suggestions for fund-raising event 2025- Create a document for the board to add suggestions and come back in February to discuss. We are in need of a cemetery tour so that needs to be on the books. Ideas include, a Martin Gilmore concert, night at the Museum, gambling night, poetry gathering, museum garage sale, merchandise, etc.
Annual meeting 2025? Option to create a night with a speaker. Need to take time to look at the bylaws and recruit new board members to expand the board for the future.
Willy has been in contact with the Eagle town manager about getting assistance and advice for getting a telephone or security cameras for the museum. The process of sharing ideas has been started. Might pursue having a button that can be pressed for emergency purposes. School Bell- We need to prioritize moving the bell and having a sign for it.
Continuing Business
Pioneer tombstone project – Priority projects are Joseph Gilpin’sgrave in Red Cliff and new markers for the Fulford family in Eagle. The Gilpin grave has only a mortuary marker; and the Fulfords have concrete markers in the ground, so some are missing or hard to view. Janice did some research and made a list of the names in the Fulford families and asked what they would get for $1000 (i.e. how many could be replaced?). We got a response that Snyder memorial could do 12 inch granite makers for 10 names. However, contract and further communication needs to be had because ECHS doesn’t want to set them. So Janice will be in more communication with Snyder Memorial. Janice has a design for Joseph Gilpin’s grave and it is ready to be approved, but more information on how headstone will be delivered and set needs clarification. Follow up question with Snyder Memorial- How much more would it cost to get it delivered and set? Red Cliff has recommended a man to set it himself, but the board is nervous about liability so further discussion is being had.
Book sales – Sylvan Lake Visitor Center placed a large end-of-the-year order. Helen ordered more inventory to be sold. Helen ordered bags so that the books can be shipped neatly in them.
Kathy is working on getting a printed format for the Belden manuscript researched and written by Malcolm Osborn, our first Charley Peterson Research Fund grant awardee.
Several people who have reviewed the manuscript agree that it is well done and is an outstanding project for our first grant.
Mark your calendar
Tuesday, April 8 – Charley Peterson event
Next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 6
November 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2024
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Helen Lindow, Reese Stutsman
New Business
Vail Daily Ad-ECHS has credit for a free half-page ad in the Vail Daily that must be used before December 31. The board discussed how to use this free advertisement. It was decided that in light of the upcoming holidays the best use would be to advertise ECHS books for sale and would appear after Thanksgiving. The theme of the ad would be ‘Give a Gift of History.’ Helen will look into the possibility of having a table at the Gypsum Rec Center holiday fair. She will also explore purchasing bags and ECHS stickers for those buying books.
Doc Gilpin Tombstone-Janice has been in touch with Tom Jenkins of Snyder Memorials about the purchase of a tombstone for Doc Gilpin at the Redcliff Cemetery. ECHS budgeted $1,000 in the 2024 budget for this tombstone. The board would like a large stone with perhaps an engraved image for this important historical figure. It was also suggested the board include in this year’s budget another $1,000 for 4 small, flat stones for the Fulford family located in the Eagle Cemetery. Janice will contact Tom and finalize the project.
Continuing Business
Museum-The museum has closed for the season and has been put to bed until next spring. A new closed sign has been hung on the door.
Budget-Kathy asked for additional suggestions to be included in this year’s budget. Newspaper advertising was mentioned. Kathy and Willy will work on the budget when Willy returns to town.
Information Items-There is a vacancy for the library historian position since Zach will be moving. Former recipient of the Nimon Walker award Rae Benton passed away. This year’s Eagle Valley History Preservation award (formerly the Nimon Walker award) recipient Jimmy Blouch sent a nice thank you card. ECHS earned $136 dollars from the City Market rewards program.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle County Gives Day Rally at CMC in Edwards-Thursday, December 5
Colorado Gives Day- Tuesday December 10
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is December 5.
October 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
October 10, 2024
Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Kathy Heicher, Willy Powell, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Helen Lindow, Reese Stutsman, April Lawrence
New Business
Budget Season-Suggestions for projects to include in budget planning were discussed.
Ramp-The ramp at the museum sags a bit in the middle. In order to fix the problem the first step would be to evaluate what’s causing the sagging. This would involve taking off planks to see what’s going on underneath. Can the ramp be repaired or does it need to be replaced? Willy will talk to contractor Adam Burgard and discuss options. Monies for the ramp project will be added to the budget for the coming year.
Signage-Monies will be included in the budget for continued work on interpretive signs. Outdoor signs need to be redone and April presented a draft for a new out door ‘closed for the season’ sign. With the addition of the ECHS website added to the draft, April will go ahead and order the sign.
Museum Security-The board again discussed security issues at the museum. April will chat with the new Chief of Police, Carrie Buhlman, to see what can be done to improve security at the museum for docents and property.
Bench-It has been suggested that a bench outside the door to the museum would be a good addition. Many questions arose concerning the type of bench and where it would be located. The board will continue to look at options.
Avon School Bell-Marion shared a photo of an outdoor school bell set in a frame on a concrete slab. The board was interested in this idea and would like to get the bell placed outside.
Possible future projects
Repair Thatcher’s flume on the Colorado River Road and provide a sign.
Repair the roof on the homestead located on I70 just east of Dotsero.
Make repairs to the schoolhouse located on Colorado River Ranch.
Charley Peterson Research Fund Grant Application-Vail Christian High School Malcolm Osborn has submitted the first application for the Charley Peterson Research Fund grant. His project will detail the history of Beldon, CO from 1879 t0 1930. The final product will be a digital writing or a magazine-like piece with photos and text. It will be entered into the library archives when complete. The board awarded his grant request.
Continuing Business
Museum-The museum closed for the season Sunday, September 15 with a visitor count of 2,678 and total receipts for donations and merchandise of $2,499. April will arrange for a date for ‘putting the museum to bed’ for the winter. She will also finalize purchase of the ‘closed for the season’ sign.
2024-25 Membership Drive-Reese will send out reminders to renew membership.
Information items
The town of Vail film crew was at the museum to film a public service message for the farmer’s market highlighting Eagle’s agricultural history.
Kathy and Janice presented at the Lake Creek History Event with the Land Trust. This event was offered as an auction item last year and included a dinner and history talk.
The Eagle Valley History Preservation Award was held at the Eagle Library and was presented to former Gypsum resident Jimmy Blouch. The program Railroading Through the Rockies was presented by railroad historian Lauren Giebler. Approximately 60 people attended the event.
Docents and board members were thanked at an end of season dinner October 10 at the Creekside Grill.
Mark Your Calendars
Horn Ranch History Hike-Saturday, October12
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is November 7, 2024
August 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
August 1, 2024
Board Meeting
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Willy Powell, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Helen Lindow, Reese Stutsman, April Lawrence
New Business
History Colorado Affiliate Network-ECHS received an invitation to join the History Colorado Affiliate Network, a community of Colorado’s history museums and organizations. The program will put ECHS on the new Visit Map at historycolorado.org. It includes recurring online group sessions for solutions and support for volunteer-run organizations, a monthly newsletter, offers traveling exhibitions and discounts on artifact loans, micro-consulting and more. ECHS will join this initiative.
Vail Daily Gives Magazine-ECHS has taken advantage of an offer to purchase a full page ad in the Vail Daily Gives magazine. The offer includes a free half page ad in the Vail Daily to run before September 13, and another free half page ad to run between November 1 and December 31. The full page “Gives” ad will tell ECHS’s story, pictures included. The magazine’s intent is to help fund raising on Colorado Gives Day. The first half page ad will focus on encouraging memberships and museum visitation.
Membership Drive-The fiscal year for ECHS runs from September 1 to August 31. Marion moved to raise the annual dues by $5, seconded by Janice. Business and corporate dues will also increase. Marion will work on simplifying the dues schedule. Forms will be updated with the new fee schedule, as will the website.
A discussion followed as to how to acknowledge sponsors for our events. Janice will look into name tags and sponsor ribbons, and a list and picture of recent sponsors hang in the museum.
Continuing Business
Museum-April gave museum report. Docents have been uncomfortable with cash donations in the clear box. Deb Earl has painted the box and it is now ttached to the post. Setting up a QR code for donations at the museum and preprinted envelopes were discussed and now in the works. Adding a QR code to our Vail Daily is planned as well.
April requested a full sized cutout of Doc Conway to place next to his bed and medical equipment to personalize the display, she will arrange for this. A request for more information about the Ford family was made. A caption by the Ford picture will be added directing the reader to the Colorado Ski Museum in Vail for more on President Ford.
The metal skirting for the north side of the museum has arrived and is at the contractor’s with plans for installment in the next 2-3 weeks. April has repaired the loose railing at the caboose, and repairs are needed for a new threshold step at the Avon store and ventilation holes for the arrowhead display. Improving the museum ramp is also needed and the addition of an outdoor bench discussed.
ECHS is moving toward automatic pay deposits for docents. A ‘Thank You Docents’ picnic will be held at the museum on Colorado Day, August 1.
Be sure to check out Museum Mondays on Facebook and Instagram.
Additional Information-ECHS received $1,250 in donations in July, earned $129 in King Sooper awards and collected a $400 donation from Club 50 as a result of the Back Door History tour held for the club. Kathy and Janice will present at the Logan home for the Land Trust program on August 20. This program was auctioned off last year by the Land Trust, and ECHS received $750 for its part.
Mark Your Calendars
Horn Ranch History Hike-Saturday, October 12
Eagle Valley History Preservation Award Ceremony (formerly the NimonWalker Award)-Sunday TBA in October
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is September 12.
July 2024 No Meeting
June 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
June 6, 2024
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Willy Powell, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Helen Lindow, Reese Stutsman, April Lawrence, Jaci Spuhler
New Business
Introductions-ECHS board welcomed Helen Lindow as the new Book Director and April Lawrence as the new Museum Administrator.
Event De-briefing-The board discussed the recent Cowboy Poetry event held on May 11 at 4 Eagle Ranch. The board reviewed expenses and revenues for the event which made ECHS a profit of $1,657. One hundred twenty-five people attended the event. A few suggestions were made to improve a future event- Brown Paper tickets would have only one check-in option rather than 3, the book sales table location, and clearer tasks and responsibilities from the organizer. Most everything went well and the event was deemed a success.
Gravestone offer-Tom Jenkins of Snyder Memorial Gravestones in Grand Junction offered ECHS rejected, blank headstones. ECHS has budgeted $1000 per year to improve or replace an historic marker for one of our pioneers in a local cemetery. These headstones would help this project. It was understood that Snyder Memorial would engrave and place the stone. The Doc Gilpin grave at the Redcliff cemetery is high on the list for improvement. Janice will pursue possibilities with Tom and the town of Redcliff.
Research Fund kick-off-The first annual ‘breakfast’ was held April 8 at the Gypsum cemetery and the Charlie Peterson Research Fund is ready for applicants. Guidelines and application forms for research projects about Eagle County history can be found on the ECHS website.
Continuing Business
Museum- Prior to meeting at the library, the board gathered at the museum to view changes in the barn. New signage delineating display areas have been hung, some new and improved interpretive signs also are up. There is a new layout for exhibits in the central museum area, and a corner counter containing a new exhibit has been moved creating more aisle space. A walkway through the middle of the museum allows for better viewing. Everyone agreed, the museum looks wonderful.
Museum programs for kids were discussed. Though ECHS wants children to have access to the museum, notification of a visit must be made in advance for any summer camp visitations, a donation per child is expected, and an adult must accompany the group. Contact information and guidelines can be found on the website.
Willy has been in discussion with a contractor about replacing the metal skirting on the south side of the barn. Likely, this will be a late July project.
Ute pots sample shards have been sent to another expert for continuing study on the two pots.
The possibility of a brown bag Museum Lunch Series was discussed. The gathering would be social in nature with a 15 minute history chat. A program on railroads and one on Gilman was suggested. A local history story video is also being discussed. A portable speaking system was suggested for speaking events.
The high Mountain Quilt Guild will hold its monthly meeting at the museum on Friday, June 28, at 3;00 p.m.
An additional $400 was donated to ECHS from Nottingham Memorial donations.
First Lutheran Church request-A letter was received from Carol Wick for the First Lutheran Church reminding ECHS of its offer to supply a letter of support for their proposed grant application for the painting of the church, and ECHS’ promise of $1000 toward this effort. They are moving forward with a plan to hire someone certified to assess historic structures to do an assessment of the building. They feel it is time to receive the letter of support and the promised funds.The congregation, in its grant application process, has been referred to an expert who can evaluate their building for a $10,000 fee. The congregation was asking to use the $1,000 donations from ECHS for that evaluation. The ECHS board questioned the $10,000 building evaluation and its true value for the church. The board also noted that the original request in March of 2024 was for assisting with the painting. The board will supply a letter of support for the church painting project now but will withhold the $1000 until the painting has actually begun. Kathy will contact Carol informing her of this decision.
Amendment to the minutes-Kathy contacted Joette Gilbert, head of the church council, for clarification about the letter. Joette made it clear that they are NOT seeking the $1000 seed money from ECHS for the assessment, the church will take on that cost themselves. She understood the specifics of the ECHS offer to donate $1,000 toward the painting of the outside of the church. She did ask for a letter of support for their initial pursuit of a building assessment grant.
Town of Gypsum Request-The town of Gypsum sent an email request asking for help with events, in particular the Gypsum Daze Parade. No motion was made.
Mark Your Calendars
Horn Ranch History Hike-Friday, June 14
Club 50 town of Eagle History Hike- Friday June 28
Horn Ranch History Hike- Saturday, October 12
Nimon/Walker Award- undetermined Fall date
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is July 11.
May 2024
ECHS Board Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2024
9:30 Museum, 10:30 Eagle Library
Present: Kathy Heicher, Willy Powell, Janice Tonz, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird, Reese Stutsman
Museum Business
We first met at the museum before reconvening at the Eagle Library. Lynn and Dennis showed us their plans for rearranging artifacts (to be done by professional movers). The cleaners are scheduled for Monday, May 13. We will eventually move some artifacts into the small kitchen room at the Visitor Center, allowing visitors to see museum artifacts year round, on the days the Visitor Center is open. Kathy asked Marion and Joanne to plan a luncheon in honor of Lynn and Dennis.
New Business
We will not move the relief map to the Visitor Center for several reasons, including that it is a popular item in the museum, and it is too large to fit through the Visitor Center doors.
Continuing Business
Cowboy Poetry Event, May 11, 2024- There will be coverage by the Vail Daily – an article written by Zoey Goldstein in advance of the event; two ½ page ads on May 7 and 9; one ¼ page ad on Saturday, May 11; Town Talk mention one or two times (first was May 1). We have sponsors, and sold a few tickets already, but expect ticket sales to increase next week. The Board worked out last minute details (see separate attachment).
Charley Peterson Cemetery Event (April 8 – follow-up)- This was a successful event with approximately 20 attendees. Kathy and Bill arranged a breakfast display in front of Charley’s headstone. Kathy and Janice presented the story of Charley Peterson and the details behind the event. Zoey Goldstein wrote a detailed article for the Vail Daily with multiple photos.
Museum Administrator Search- Two classified Ads were placed in the Vail Daily for $250. There are 5 applicants for the Museum Administrator position. Kathy and Willy will conduct interviews.
Information Items
$411 was donated to ECHS from a fundraiser organized by Lauren Powell, 1st grade teacher at Eagle Valley Elementary. During the school year, 1st graders paid $1 on certain days to wear pajamas to school, bring a stuffed animal to school, etc.
$120.65 was donated to ECHS, courtesy of the latest quarterly King Soopers Rewards.
Re-investment of CD’s. We received $2,000 interest on CD’s on April 21. $52,000 was re-invested in a 5 month CD with 4.9% interest, which should yield approximately $1,000.
$33,000 was donated to ECHS on Colorado Gives Days since 2016. We recently paid our $250 yearly membership fee to the Eagle County Gives Collaborative.
Save the Date
May 11 (Saturday) – Cowboy Poetry Event
May 22 (Wednesday) – Brush Creek Valley History Hike
June 6 (Thursday) – ECHS Board Meeting, 10:00 am, Eagle Library
June 14 (Friday) – Horn Ranch History Hike
June 28 (Friday) – Club 50 History Walk in Eagle
October 12 (Saturday) – Horn Ranch History Hike
Fall (Date TBD) – Nimon/Walker Award
April 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
April 4, 2024
Monthly Meeting
Present: Kathy Heicher, Reese Stutsman, Willy Powell, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird, Janice Tonz, Marion Laughlin, Sandy Van Campen
New Business
Charley Peterson April 8, 11:00 Ceremony at Gypsum Cemetery. Kathy and Janice will present history and explain the fund. Vail Daily reporter Zoey Goldstein will cover this event. Photos will be taken of breakfast at Charley’s grave.
Nimon-Walker Award. Committee unanimously selected Jimmy Blouch as award recipient. EVLD prefers to schedule the event in September or October. Date to be determined.
Museum Administrator Replacement. Notices have been sent to members, and the Eagle County Gives group. A notice will be placed in the classified ads. There has been one applicant thus far. Kathy met with 3 long term docents to discuss using Sign-Up Genius for docent scheduling.
Replacement of Book Officer. Sandy is retiring from Board June 1. That board position will be advertised after May 11.
By Laws. We will review at the June meeting and discuss possible changes.
Sympathy Card for Colby Family. Marion suggested that ECHS send a sympathy card to Annie Colby, long time docent, on the death of her husband Al Colby. Janice will send a card on behalf of the board.
Continuing Business
Cowboy Poetry Event, May 11. The Brown Paper Ticket site is up and running. Vail Daily ads have been arranged. Reese has prepared event posters and sponsorship opportunity announcements and has sent notices to members via email and social media. We already have the following sponsorships: Stemmaster, Umbrella Roofing, Collet Enterprises, Edwards Building Center. Randy Hoyt plans to obtain additional sponsors. The board planned the event day schedule (see separate attachment).
Museum Update. The museum will open for the season on Friday, May 24. Lynn and Dennis will oversee On Call Movers rearranging heavy museum artifacts in early May, and the museum clean up crew during the week of May 6. Dennis inspected the museum crawl space and said there is strong and solid support under the floor for the heavy artifacts. Dennis recommended the installation of vents in the crawl space to mitigate and prevent dampness. He may be able to do this work himself, and if so, ECHS will pay him. The Nottingham desk will be installed as the new docent desk. Lynn will officially retire as the museum administration following the moving of artifacts and museum clean up. Thursday, May 16 will be the orientation and lunch for docents. The board discussed hosting a separate luncheon to thank and honor Lynn and Dennis. No date was set.
Save the Date
April 8 (Monday), 11 a.m. Charley Peterson breakfast at Gypsum gravesite.
April 23 (Tuesday) Genealogy Workshop at Eagle Library. Sessions at 10 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm. April 23 (Tuesday), 6 pm. Event at Bookworm: History author Bob Silbernagle
May 11 (Saturday). Cowboy Poetry Event
May 16 (Thursday). Orientation and lunch for museum docents.
May 22 (Wednesday). Brush Creek Valley History Hike. June 14 (Friday). Horn Ranch History Hike.
June 28 (Friday). Club 50 History Walk in Eagle. October 12 (Saturday). Horn Ranch History Hike.
Minutes submitted by Janice Tonz
March 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
March 14, 2024
Board meeting
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tony, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Sandy VanCampen, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird
New Business
First Lutheran Church Request-Carol Wick of the First Lutheran Church of Gypsum met with the board to request ECHS support for their proposed grant for painting of the church building. They are requesting a letter of support to accompany their application.
Built in the late 1880’s, it was one of the first buildings in Gypsum and is significant to Eagle County history. It is the only building in Eagle County on the National Register of Historic Places. ECHS has used the building in the past as a launching point for the Gypsum Cemetery tours. Janice moved to send a letter supporting their efforts, seconded by Marion, and passed by the board. It was also suggested that ECHS further help their efforts with a financial contribution. A motion was made by Janice to provide $1,000 in financial support, which the board approved. Lynn suggested contacting the local chapter of the DAR to ask for their support. Carol will confirm the date when the letter is needed.
Charley Peterson Cemetery Celebration-The Charley Peterson Research Fund, established through a donation by a former Eagle County resident, is to help fund ECHS members’ research projects and publications about Eagle County history. The donor requested that a plate of breakfast be left on Charley’s grave at the Gypsum Cemetery each April 8, the day of Charley’s death. The first annual ’breakfast plate’ will be placed at the cemetery at 11 a.m. on April 8. Kathy will notify the cemetery caretaker that a group from ECHS will be there for this event. There will be a news release about this fund and a notice detailing the fund’s requirements will be placed on the ECHS website. A committee representing the historical society will meet annually to review applications. This year’s grants will be awarded mid-July.
Nimon-Walker Award-Nominations were sent to EVLD and the committee will meet in March to make the final selection. The library also developed a teamwork agreement for the award specifying responsibilities of ECHS and the library district.
Museum Administrator Replacement-With the resignation of Lynn Albers, ECHS is looking for a new museum administrator. Advertisement of the position will go out with an email notice to members and be posted on the website, social media sites and the newspaper.
Book Officer Changes-With the retirement of Sandy Van Campen on June 1, ECHS is looking at ways to handle book sales. It has been suggested that sales can be handled administratively but the board would need to change the book officier job description in the ECHS bylaws.
Continuing Business
Cowboy Poetry Event-The Cowboy Poetry event will be held at 4 Eagle Ranch on May 11. Information about the event is on the website and tickets can be purchased on the Brown Paper Ticket website as of March 14. The sponsorship flyer was approved and ECHS is looking for sponsors. Sponsor opportunities are Gold-$1,000, Silver-$500, Bronze-$250, Grubstake-$50-$200. Sponsors receive exposure at the event, inclusion in promotions and tickets, 8 tickets for gold sponsorship, 4 tickets for silver, 2 tickets for bronze and 1 ticket for grubstake. ECHS purchased new life sized cut out of the Albertsons to go along with the cut out of young Charlie Wolverton and both will be at the event for photo opportunities. ECHS plans on selling books at the event and artists will be selling CDs.
Membership Drive-Marion reported that the final number for membership stands at 106 members.
Museum Business-Lynn presented a plan for a new layout for the exhibits in the center of the museum. Some large pieces will be sectioned together and a walkway created through the middle. A corner counter will be moved to the other end of the building creating more aisle space. She and Dennis plan to have this completed by the time of her departure in May. She will also contact the professional cleaners to schedule the annual cleaning.
Save the Date
One Book One Valley Author at CMC-Thursday, April 4
Charlie Peterson Breakfast Plate at the Grave-Monday, April 8
Genealogy Workshop at Eagle Library- Tuesday, April 23, sessions offered at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
History Author Bob Silbernagel at the Bookworm-Tuesday, April 23 6 p.m.
Cowboy Poetry Event-Saturday, May 11 at 4 Eagle Ranch
Nimon-Walker Award Presentation-Sunday, June 9
Club 50 History Walk-Friday, June 28
Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit-Crossroads:Change in Rural America-March 11 through April 20 at the Yampa Egeria Historical Society
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is April 4.
February 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
February 1, 2024
Present: Janice Tonz, Willy Powell, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Sandy Van Campen, Reese Stutsman, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird
New Business
Ute Pot Analysis-Mike Metcalf helped the board interpret the Ownby Analytical, LLC analysis of the Ute pots and presented his beliefs about these pots gathered from his previous research. The pots have baffled the archeological community for some years. First off, they were found in an odd setting. The pots match the style of Ute pots but the decorations are puzzling, making these pots unusual for the Utes. The pots could have been created by the ancestral Pueblo community, finding their way to Eagle county through trade or captured women. The clay used for the pots was tempered by clay impurities and volcanic material, possibly from southwest Colorado, but more information about the geology of those areas is necessary. The pots were likely made during later history, in the time after the Utes obtained horses or after the Utes were forced onto reservations. There is a possibility the pots could be water drums. The pots do have scientific value and could have interest for illicit collectors. Mike has indicated he will be doing more archival research hoping for any more information about the origins of these pots.
Cowboy Poetry Event-Randy Hoyt, Cowboy poet organizer, and Mary Harrill from 4Eagle Ranch attended the meeting to answer questions and participate in the discussion about the Saturday, May 11 event at 4Eagle Ranch. Tentatively, the event will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a chance to enjoy the ranch, play games and purchase food and beverages. An a la carte chili bar will provide chili $8.00, brats $10.00, Caesar salad $8.00, chips and cookies $1.50 each. The program will begin around 6:00 p.m. with 4 groups of entertainers each preforming for 15 to 20 minutes. A sound system from 4Eagle Ranch and another provided by Randy will be available. Tickets will go on sale through Brown Paper tickets at a yet to be determined price, likely in the $20-$25 range with a discount for ECHS members. Two weeks before the event a final decision will be made as to which venue at 4Eagle will be used. Reece will put out a save the date message to EVHS members and publicity will start in earnest at the beginning of April. News articles, social media, radio announcements and flyers will advertise the event.
Continuing Business
Membership Update-The 2023-24 membership drive is coming to a close. Membership renewal reminders were sent to 30 people and Marion is waiting to hear back about emails for invoices.
Museum Business-Lynn has an idea in mind as to how to rearrange the museum and is hoping to move the display pieces soon. She will contact Kathy for some clarification and ask Kathy to put in writing what she would like.
Jaci needs a document stating that Vail now has permanent ownership of the sleigh that was in the museum.
Unfortunately, Lynn says it’s time for her to step down from her position as she has an opportunity to do some summer field work. She would love to be an occasional docent and to do some occasional work on projects.
Between April and May she will try to have the museum in shape before the busy season.
Looking for New Board Members-Sandy will also be stepping down from the board at the end of the summer due to family reasons. ECHS will need to recruit a new board member and museum administrator.
Mark Your Calendars
Cowboy Poetry Fest- Saturday May 11, 5:00 p.m. at 4Eagle Ranch
Brush Creek Valley History Hike- Wednesday May 22
Horn Ranch History Hike-Friday, June 14
Horn Ranch with Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement-Saturday, October 12
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is March 7.
January 2024
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
January 4, 2024
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Willy Powell, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Reese Stutsman, Lynn Albers
New Business
Cowboy Poetry Event-Various aspects of the proposed event were discussed and many questions asked. Reese will contact Randy Hoyt with questions about the program. The board favored holding the event at 4 Eagle Ranch. Reese will create a document for the board for the purpose of compiling questions for 4 Eagle Ranch event planner Mary Harrill. Marion made a motion, seconded by Janice Tonz, to approve a contract with 4 Eagle Ranch to hold the event there on Saturday, May 11. The motion passed unanimously.
Community Funding Grant-The Town of Eagle has awarded ECHS a grant of $850 for museum exhibit improvements and interpretive signs.
Private Donation-John Buchholz has donated $2000 to ECHS, designated for the use of technology to further ECHS’s mission, educating the public about Eagle County’s unique history. The board will look into Zoom, Facebook Live programs and the use of video ads to promote the museum and ECHS events.
Continuing Business
Book Sales-Everyday Outfitters in Eagle is now carrying ECHS books for sale. Laura Thompson will check with the airport gift shop to see if they will also carry the books and Reese will contact Jen Mason at the Colorado Ski museum in Vail for another book sales outlet.
Ute Pot Analysis-A report came back from Ownby Analytical indicating the 11 chemical compounds and 46 elements identified in the pots. ECHS is awaiting interpretation of this report.
Museum Business-The sleigh from the museum is now located at the Kris Kringle Crossing in Vail. It will serve as a picture opportunity in the village and will be stored in the summertime with the Kris Kringle buildings. Jeremy Gross, Town of Vail Special Events Coordinator facilitated the move.
Lynn requested that any reorganization of museum exhibits be identified now so that the new signs can be hung before April. Marion and Joanne will remove the Holy Cross exhibit from its cabinet and move it to the Eagle Library . The empty cabinet can be used for the Ute exhibit.
Mountain Pest Control has begun its service at the museum setting up child and pet proof outdoor traps as well as servicing the indoor traps. They will visit the museum on the first Wednesday every other month.
Willy surveyed the museum buildings with an eye toward landscape improvements. He determined any change with regard to laying stone around the buildings would require a great deal of grade change and is probably not feasible. Improvements around the caboose however are needed and the mineral cart needs to be welded down.
Membership- Marion reported there are 57 memberships with 31 members not yet renewing for 2023-24. She will send out a last reminder to those folks.
New Badges-Janice handed out the new ECHS badges for board members, administrators, docents and volunteers. The price of the badges came within a few dollars of the estimated cost.
First Grade Fundraiser-After ECHS made a visit to Lauren Powell’s first grade classroom, the students held their own fundraiser. Students paid $1.00 to wear pajamas to class for one day and this money was given to ECHS.
Mark Your Calendars
Cowboy Poetry Fest-Saturday, May 11 at 4 Eagle Ranch
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is February 1, 2024.
December 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
December 5, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Marion Laughlin, Lynn Albers, Willy Powell, Sandy Van Campen, Jaci Spuhler, Reese Stutsman
New Business
Eagle Valley Library Update-Tegan Davis reported that the Special Service Project contract form, put together by Kathy and Marion, was the best ever submitted. The library budget for the coming year is completed and relationship between the library and ECHS is secure. A new library website will be in place in April making it easier to navigate local history
Archivist Zach Catt was introduced. He reported that new shelving has been put in place in the archive, allowing for more space to house records and making it easier to process the collections. Along with the safer shelving, a temperature and humidity monitor was installed. Maps will be digitized in the future and he has been working to standardize subject terms on digitized headings. Additionally, he is working with Lynn Albers on the Summer Vail Legacy project. After the meeting, he gave the board a tour of the archives.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church-The Gypsum church is starting a building repair project and is interested in grants that might help with this endeavor. ECHS can help with a letter of support.
Cowboy Poetry Event-Marion has been in contact with Randy Hoyt to determine the scope of the Cowboy Poetry event. Randy’s input suggests a 2.5 to 3 hour show with a minimum of four poets and an audience goal of 100-200 people. Venues were discussed and it seemed 4 Eagle Ranch was favored by the board as 4 Eagle is interested in partnering with ECHS. Randy’s responsibility would be to line up the performers, help with finding sponsors and possibly provide a sound system. ECHS would be responsible for finding and paying for the venue, setting the date and advertising through radio announcements, news releases, flyers, social media and ECHS webpage. Clarification is needed concerning transportation and lodging for the performers. Marion will talk more with Randy. A motion was made and passed to hold the event at 4 Eagle Ranch with a proposed date of Saturday, May 11.
Colorado Gives Day-ECHS received $4000 in donations from 39 donors on Colorado Gives Day and another $2600 in additional end-of-the year donations. Thank you!
Indian Pot Analysis-The board passed a motion for Ownby Analytical to complete a petrographic analysis of the two ceramic vessels in our collection. The analysis will document technical features such as firing temperatures, identify mineral and rock fragments and include background research related to the geology of the site. The report aims to facilitate archeological interpretation of past behavior. Cost including tax is $538.75.
Continuing Business
Museum Business-Lynn proposed a museum grounds improvement capital project. The board discussed taking on the task of tidying the grounds around the museum. Willy will talk to Tom Gosiorowski to see if a pre-approval is needed from the town of Eagle. Lynn talked to Denise at the CSU Extension office for recommendations for inexpensive, low maintenance landscaping. The board seemed open to placing heavy crusher rock around the buildings to cut down on weeds. No costs were determined.
Museum Signage-New museum signs are ready to be hung and need to be in place before April.
Book Sales Outlet-ECHS is looking for another location to sell books down valley. Currently books can be purchased online, at the Bookworm in Edwards and at Sylvan Lake State Park.
Name Badges-Janice showed the board options for the new name badges. She was given the go ahead to decide and purchase 25 name tags for the board and docents for an approximate cost of $270.
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is January 4, 2024.
November 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
November 2, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Marion Laughlin, Lynn Albers, Willy Powell, Reese Stutsman
New Business
New Administrator-Reese Stutsman, the new ECHS administrator was introduced to the board.
2023-24 Budget-After a short discussion, a budget draft, prepared by Kathy and Willy, was passed by the board. Budget highlights include the revenue in the Charlie Peterson research fund, the Gravestone Fund (to place stones on inadequately marked historic graves), maintenance costs for replacing the metal siding on the lower level of the barn, new locks, increase in docent wages to reflect the Colorado increase in minimum wage and monies for a PayPal credit card reader, remote clicker for Powerpoint presentations and name badges.
ECHS received $121.96 from City Market quarterly rewards.
Museum Business-Lynn reported on all what’s been done in the barn to put the museum to bed for the winter. Private fall tours have been completed and some visits have been rescheduled for next spring due to unforeseen circumstances.
Lynn purchased a parfleche bag made by a Ute artist for the Ute exhibit case, the board agreed to reimburse Lynn for this purchase. There is new signage for the Ute display. Both Lynn and Kathy have been in touch with Metcalf Archeology for information about the Indian pots. The plan is to seek testing from a ceramics expert about the paint, brushes used and the designs.
Vandalism occurred on the railing to the caboose, which has been repaired.
Lynn met with a new pest control company, Mountain Pest Control, owned locally, and the board is interested in signing with them for pest control issues.
Name Badges-Janice has been researching companies that sell name badges. She will take charge of deciding on the preferred company and the badge design. She will order name badges for board members, staff and docents to be used at the museum and ECHS events.
Painting of Mount of the Holy Cross-A 20×30 painting of the Mount of the Holy Cross has been donated to ECHS by John Sullivan, a retired newspaperman, of Livingston, Montana in memory of his stepfather Bill Hornby. The painting is by Roy Kerswill, a renowned Western artist who sometimes produced illustrations for the Denver Post
Ongoing Business
Colorado Gives Day-Colorado Gives/Eagle County Gives Day is December 5. ECHS is a member of the Eagle County Gives collaborative along with 56 other non-profit groups. The collaborative’s mission is to promote charitable giving to Eagle County non-profits on the December date. There will be a November 28 rally at 4 Eagle Ranch and ECHS will again participate in the Honk and Wave at the Eagle roundabout on December 5. Please remember to include ECHS in your charitable donations this year.
Cowboy Poetry Fest-ECHS is looking into the possibility of hosting a Cowboy Poetry Fest in the spring. Marion offered to contact Randy Hoyt of the International Western Music Association organizer of the events to inquire about ECHS responsibilities for a gathering of this nature. ECHS is discussing venues and would like to partner with this event.
Charley Peterson Research Fund-Kathy, Janice and Jaci will work on the parameters for the Charley Peterson Historical Research Fund. The fund is a controlled fund limited to use for research and publication of Eagle County history. The fund covers non-fiction sources and will be administered by ECHS. They will work on a draft for the application process.
Gypsum Town Council- Kathy presented an annual report to the Gypsum Town Council as required by the town for their membership. Gypsum took in $400 for ECHS in book sales.
Mark Your Calendars
“Train Robberies in the West” program, Wednesday November 29, 5:30 p.m. CMC, Edwards (part of the Eagle county 140th Anniversary celebration)
Colorado Gives Day- Tuesday, December 5
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is December 7.
October 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Minutes of Monthly Meeting – Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023
10 a.m. at Historical Museum in Eagle
Present: Kathy Heicher, Marion Laughlin, Willy Powell, Janice Tonz
New Business
Museum numbers – year-end
New artifact donations
New credit card readers
Funding request: contribution to Andrew Kallquist gravestone – Kathy. Board voted to contribute $500
Name Tags for ECHS Board Members, Administrators, Docents, Volunteers. Janice will look into options.
Continuing Business
Colorado Gives update – Kathy. Janice and Kathy split duties of attendance at monthly meetings. We are on the marketing committee. Kathy helps with postcards and news releases. EC Gives will have a booth at the Eagle Christmas market. There is a donor who will match monthly donations. ECHS has only one monthly donor at this time.
Visit with Minturn Historical Preservation Committee – Kathy. This committee wants to protect Minturn’s character. Kathy received a phone call inviting her to a meeting. She attended, and recommended they contact the State Historic Preservation office. Kathy will give the committee copies of Knight/Hammock book, Early Days on the Eagle.
Museum Sign progress
Membership Drive – Marion. Renewal notices and forms were all sent by email this year and memberships are coming in. Eagle County and the Eagle Valley Library District are the biggest members. Kathy recommended that Marion call local banks and find their contact people to ask about banks becoming member.
Charley Peterson Historic Research Fund. Board discussed the need to draw up basic guidelines. Janice will look at our by-laws to determine if there is a conflict of interest to pay board members for research.
ECHS Volunteers. Board discussed the need to access volunteer information and discussed various ways volunteers, outside of the board, could contribute. Ideas included: special events, book sales, research.
Xmas book sale. Kathy asked if we should try to have a booth at one of the local Christmas markets/fairs. Board decided to try to do it in a future year with volunteers outside of the board.
Red Cliff Cemetery tour/lesson for Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy – Janice. October 3 and 4, 2023. English teacher Katie Brandl brought her 9th grade English classes to the cemetery. Red Cliff locals also attended. Janice, Kathy, Zach (the new history librarian), and Babette were the presenters.
Budget. Willy asked for new budget items. Janice suggested, and board approved, an annual budget line item of $1,000 for cemetery headstones. There are many historical figures who made important contributions to Eagle County who have deteriorating headstones. ECHS could replace one headstone per year. We discussed asking for donations for headstones that we would match up to $1,000. That would possibly generate $2,000 or more for a headstone.
Administrator. Our current administrator, Amy Abling, is cutting back on her responsibilities. She still handles blast emails and social media. Board discussed need for new administrator. New administrator could possibly take over membership.
Mark your calendars
Thursday, Oct.12 – Thank you dinner for library docents, Gypsum Creek Grill
Minutes submitted by Janice Tonz.
September 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
September 7, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Joanne Cermak, Willy Powell, Sandy Van Campen, Lynn Albers
New Business
Charley Peterson Research Fund-An anonymous former Eagle County resident is offering ECHS $10,000 to establish the “Charley Peterson Historical Research Fund.” The money would be placed in a controlled fund and would be limited to use for research and publication of Eagle County history.
Charley Peterson was a quiet bachelor who homesteaded 160 acres on the Colorado River and operated a ferry across the river. Charley was murdered in April of 1916. His murderers were never found, but it was assumed he was killed by two men who had eaten breakfast with him in his cabin. Tracks of two different men were observed near the river where Charley’s body was found. His cabin had been ransacked by people searching for valuables but they failed to find the $104 Charley had concealed is a secret drawer in the cabin wall.
ECHS would administer the funds, granting stipends for research and publication of Eagle County History. The donor is requesting that a plate of breakfast be left on Charley’s grave at the Gypsum cemetery on April 8 each year, the day of Charley’s death. He also suggested a Charley Peterson Benefit Breakfast event to increase or extend the fund.
A motion was made and passed by the board to accept the terms of the proposal. Protocol for administering the funds is yet to be worked out.
Continuing Business
Museum Signage-Progress is being made on the new museum signs. The signs have been designed and will be on non-reflective material, printed on both sides so they can be hung.
Finances-It is time to start next year’s budget planning. Kathy asked the board for input on what projects to fund. Lynn suggested a study on the Indian pots at the museum and additional security measures for securing them. She will consult with a cultural resource company for the costs of appraising and appropriate security measures.
Another budget request is that the museum doors be rekeyed this winter. Lynn will contact a locksmith about costs. One key that works for the several doors on various buildings is requested.
A gentleman from Boulder visited the caboose and is interested in helping improve the interior. Now that the exterior is completed a budget items for interior caboose improvements is possible.
Annual Report-The September 2022-August 2023 Annual report will be posted on the website.
Museum-This year’s closing date for the museum will be Friday, September 15 unless docent coverage can be found for Saturday and Sunday, September 16 and 17.
Concerns remain for the wi-fi signal at the museum. Lynn will contact the docents and ask how it is working and what might need to be improved.
Tom Luby made new open and shut signs for the barn and Dennis designed and built a lightweight frame for the history cut-out poster. Since the poster proved popular with visitors, the board agreed to add an adult version.
The local chapter of the DAR will hold its September 21 meeting at the museum. Lynn will give a tour. Though the museum will be officially closed, Lynn will keep it presentable for private tours until November.
Two new artifacts have been donated to the museum, a drill bit from the sandstone quarry and some Sharp’s pool hall coins.
Mike Koenen and Dennis will meet to install the new light timers.
An end of year ‘thank you’ evening for this year’s docents is being planned.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle County Now and Then Photo Exhibit-Now being displayed at the Gypsum Library and set for display at Edwards CMC in November.
Frost Creek Group History Hike-September 12
History Lessons at Red Cliff Cemetery for Vail Ski and Snowboard students- October 3 & 4.
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is October 5.
August 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
August 3, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Marion Laughlin, Joanne Cermak, Willy Powell, Sandy Van Campen, Lynn Albers
New Business
Museum-Museum visitors totaled 1,194 for the 4 weeks June 23 -July 20 and revenue was $1,086. Year to date totals were visitors 2,333 and revenue $1,984.45, which appears to be on target with last year’s figures.
Museum signage- Thanks to a generous donation from Barb Palermo new signs are underway. A graphic artist is working with Signature Signs on topic signs for the museum beams. The signs will be permanent and non-reflective and identify the sections of museum displays. The photo cut-out banner of young Charlie Wolverton is ready. Lynn will talk to Dennis about a good way to hang the banner so that children can put their faces through the hole for a photograph. If this seems popular, other life-sized cutouts from historic photos can be added to enhance displays.
Museum maintenance-Dennis built an entry ramp for the side door to prevent tripping on the uneven surfaces. Strike plates in the Avon Store were secured; shutter adjustment will be made for ease in opening and closing and two lights in the store will be replaced. Willy will contact electrician Mike Konan about light timers for the Avon Store and Blacksmith Shop. Tom Luby is working on a new Open/Shut sign for the museum. A beautiful antique mirror has been hung over the player piano allowing docents playing the piano to be able to see behind them. Mirror was purchased and donated by Barbara Palermo. A photo of the Gypsum Lutheran Church and a painting by June Simonton will be hung in antique frames donated by Wendy Griffith above the mirror.
Lynn reported that Never Summer Adventure Race participants visited the museum and took part in a question scavenger hunt; they made a $200 donation. The local DAR chapter will hold its September meeting at the museum.
Continuing Business
Gypsum Cemetery Tour-After much discussion, the board decided that due to mitigating circumstances this year’s Gypsum Cemetery tour should be delayed and will not take place this September 30. Other activities were suggested such as a walking tour of Gypsum, a Brown Bag luncheon at the museum and an outing to Leadville.
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is September 7.
July 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
July 6, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Marion Loughlin, Lynn Albers, Sandy Van Campen, Jaci Spuhler
New Business
Fund-raising Proposal-Randy Hoyt, a member of the International Western Music Association, presented the board with a proposal for a fund-raising event of cowboy poetry and western music. The event would showcase 3-4 groups of entertainers for a two hour show. Tickets would be sold and proceeds split between the ECHS and IWMA to off set expenses by the entertainers. Possible venues and partners for the event were discussed and 2024 dates suggested. Randy then entertained the board with his poem My Father’s Last Ride. The board was enthusiastic about the possibility of this event.
Continuing Business
Museum Exhibit Policy-The museum saw 1,139 visitors during the first four weeks of the season and collected $790.45 in revenue.
The Vail Pass archaeological exhibit is now located in the museum. A permanent spot for the display will be determined.
Safety issues at the museum continue to be worked out. The entrance doorsill has a step down and can be a trip hazard. An orange cone cautioned visitors about the step but it was determined more was needed. After some discussion, a motion was made and passed to have Dennis build a wedge type ramp over the doorsill to eliminate the height difference.
Docent safety has been a concern. A few questionable visitors have made some docents uncomfortable. A police officer was scheduled to address the docents at their training session but was unable to make it. Lynn will again contact the police to solicit advice for the docents on how to handle difficult situations during their shifts.
Children summer camp groups have been visiting the museum, some without appropriate supervision. The docents will be requested to find out contact information for these groups. It is museum policy that groups schedule their visit and to donate to the museum. Club 50 toured the town and visited the museum recently and made a $440 donation.
Wifi is now working at the museum which makes communications possible and helps with various other tasks.
The caboose project has reached completion. Grants from the Town of Eagle, Vail Board of Realtors and the Eagle River Foundation totaling $4,867 made this project possible. Paint cost $534.25 and labor $4660.
Frost Creek Program-Janice reported on a successful program given for Frost Creek Homeowners. Kathy and Janice spoke about the history of the Frost Creek area. Interest in more history events was expressed by many of those in attendance. Frost Creek recently purchased $1000 worth of the Brush Creek book and signed up for a corporate membership to ECHS.
Gypsum Cemetery Tour-September 30 has been selected as the date for the Gypsum Cemetery tour. There is long list of advance planning topics including recruiting sponsors, researching characters and finding actors and docents for the event. If you would like to participate in the event or are able to help out with some of the tasks please let Kathy know. Brown Paper Tickets will be set up to sell tickets for designated time slots. Sandy will look into renting Port-a Potties. The local chapter of the DAR has contributed $250 for the event.
New Librarian-Zach Catt has been hired as the new history librarian at the Eagle Library. Kathy will try to set up a luncheon with Zach so the board can meet him.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle County Now and Then Photo Exhibit- As part of Eagle County’s 140 year anniversary celebration, ‘Now and Then’ photos are being displayed at the Minturn Town Hall in July.
Never Summer Adventure Race-July 15, racers will visit the museum and answer 3 questions on their way to the next stop.
Kid’s program- July 18, 1 p.m., Gypsum Library
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is August 3.
June 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Minutes of June 1, 2023 Meeting
Present: Kathy Heicher, Sandy VanCampen, Janice Tonz, Lynn Albers
New Business
Continuing Business
Save the Date
Wednesday, June 14 – Brush Creek history talk at Frost Creek clubhouse (Kathy and Janice)
Friday, June 16 – Club 50 tour of town of Eagle and museum (Kathy)
July – Eagle County “Now and Then” photo exhibit at Minturn Town Hall
Saturday, July 15 – Never Summer Adventure Race. Scavenger hunt style. Participants will search for three pieces of information around the museum. (Lynn)
Tuesday, July 18, 1:00 pm – Gypsum Library kids’ program (Kathy)
Saturday, September 30 – Gypsum Cemetery Tour. Possible sponsors – DAR? Actor suggestions – contact drama teachers at high schools, ask for volunteers from membership.
Submitted by Janice Tonz
May 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Willy Powell, Marion Loughlin, Sandy Van Campen, Jaci Spuhler, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird, Annie Colby
New Business
Museum-The museum will open for the 2023 season on Friday May 26. CleanUp! Jose Lopez and crew will clean the museum on Thursday, May 11. Docent orientation will take place on Monday, May 15, 10:00-12:00 and Adopt-a-Cabinet cleaning from 12:30-3:00. New docents for 2023 are Susan Baker, Debra Earl and Wendy Griffith.
The museum entrance area has a new look. Lynn, Dennis and Willy have rearranged. Lynn took the board through the new set up, asking for direction with a few issues. Dennis has a list of projects, moving store headers, wall photos and fire extinguisher, and building a broom closet, and Lynn will arrange the Mount of the Holy Cross exhibit in its new location.
Security at the museum was discussed extensively. It was suggested that a police officer be invited to the docent orientation to offer information for docent safety. Providing docents with a ‘panic’ type button or bracelet was discussed. Better security for the museum as a whole, as well as for some valuable artifacts, is needed. Lynn looked into a locking vitrine for the Indian clay pots but that may prove to be cost prohibited. Jaci will check with the western museum in Grand Junction to see how accession numbers are attached to clay pots.
Museum signage-Kathy met with the graphic artist about sign design. She suggested adding rafter signs identifying areas. Kathy has found a newspaper article about the Minturn train wreck to accompany existing the photo. Mike Metcalf will supply a list of bullet points about the Ute exhibit. This list will provide accuracy when writing text for the display. Plans are in the works for a historic photo and text for the Blacksmith Shop. Janice will write up text for the Sophie Knight photo located on the outside of the barn. Discussed at the last board meeting were selected photos that might be used as life-sized cutouts to enhance displays. When talking to Signature Signs Kathy mentioned the possibility of creating a life-sized cutout with a place for someone to place his/her head for a fun photo opportunity. Signature Signs suggested doing this with a banner-like form in a metal frame. The board agreed to try this out with the photo of young Charlie Wolverton.
ECHS has acquired the Avon School bell. It will be stored in the Avon Store until plans can be made for building a structure so that it can be exhibited outside.
Continuing Business
Eagle County Gives meetings-Kathy provided a list of meeting dates and requested help with attending. Attendance at the meetings is required for an organization to receive added funds.
Caboose Painting-Willy and Dennis have been working on new stairs for the caboose. They are assembled and ready for installation once the caboose has been painted. Painting will begin soon and should be completed by Memorial Day.
Informational Items-
ECHS received $122.69 from the City Market Rewards program.
The date for the Gypsum Cemetery Tour has been confirmed for September 30. The town of Gypsum will not be granting any funding for the tour this time around.
Fifty Brush Creek books were sold to Frost Creek. Frost Creek also requested a program about Brush Creek for later in the summer.
The Town of Eagle is proposing a historic preservation regulation in its new zoning code.
Last year’s Eagle Valley History Award recipient Reed Perkins has passed away. ECHS sent a sympathy card to the family.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle County Now and Then Photo Exhibit- As part of Eagle County’s 140 year anniversary celebration, ‘Now and Then’ photos will be displayed at the Avon Library in May and the Minturn Town Hall in July.
Rosie the Riveter- May 10, 5:30 p.m., Avon Library
VBRHistory Class for Realtors- May 23, 10 a.m.
Club 50 tour of the town-Friday, June 16, picnic at the park and touring the museum 1 p.m.
Kid’s program- July 18, 1 p.m., Gypsum Library
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is on June 1.
April 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Thursday, April 5, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Marion Loughlin, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird, Jaci Spuhler
New Business
Museum Exhibit Policy
After a brief discussion and minor additions and changes, the board approved the final draft of the Museum Exhibit Policy which clarifies the purpose of the collection, outlines exhibition guidelines and lists criteria for accepting donated items. A copy of the policy will be housed at the docents’ desk in the museum.
Museum Business
The opening date for the museum was set for May 26, hours remain 10:00 to 3:00. A soft opening to accommodate the Vail Board of Realtors’ history class will be May 23 from 11:00 to 1:00. Lynn will contact docents to see if anyone would be interested in helping out. She will be emailing new and past docents for an RSVP acceptance of the position with a deadline of April 24. She will also begin organizing the cleaning of the museum.
Willy and Dennis will begin the process of rearranging the front entrance area by moving the Lewis Store counter. Dennis purchased Felt Sliders to help with the moving. A plan has been developed to move other furniture to improve the space.
Janice reported on her research of archival photos that can be used as life sized cutouts and presented several photos as possible selections. She mentioned a few companies that provide these services in a variety of materials, and Kathy will contact local business Signature Signs to see what they might be able to do. Some of the photos could also be used to enhance existing displays.
Mike Metcalf was consulted about the Ute exhibit. He will write out some bullet points to use for a new exhibit.
History Colorado has a Curated Colorado Story Lending Resource on the 10th Mountain Division: Climb to Glory. Kathy will check on availability.
Continuing Business
Painting of the caboose by Zack Edson’s crew is scheduled for mid-May. Stencils are being prepared by Signature Signs for the D&RG logo. Paint has been ordered from the Paint Bucket in the traditional color orange. Total costs will be in the $6,000 to $7,000 range and ECHS has grant funding of $4,876.
Gypsum Cemetery Tour
The board has begun planning a Gypsum Cemetery Tour sometime in September.
Library District
A new director has been hired and interviewing for the History Librarian is ongoing.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle County Now and Then Photo Exhibit- As part of Eagle County’s 140 year anniversary celebration, ‘Now and Then’ photos will be displayed at the following locations: Vail Library in April, Avon Library in May, and the Minturn Town Hall in July.
Rosie the Riveter- May 10, 5:30 p.m., Avon Library
VBRHistory Class for Realtors- May 23, 10 a.m.
Kid’s program- July 18, 1 p.m., Gypsum Library
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is on June 1.
March 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
March 2, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Marion Loughlin
New Business
Vail Board of Realtors Grant- ECHS received a $500 grant from the Vail Board of Realtors to be used for life-sized photo cutouts for the museum. Janice will explore the collection of historic photos to begin the selection process.
Belden Demolition- A request was made for ECHS input on the demolition of buildings at Belden. Hopefully, a tour of the mine site will be provided.
Continuing Business
Museum Exhibit Policy-Kathy presented a draft of ECHS’ proposed Museum Exhibit Policy for board review. The document will clarify the purpose of the collection which is aimed at promoting an understanding of local history and increasing knowledge about early days in Eagle County. All collection donations and acquisitions must be relevant to ECHS and its mission. The policy covers the geographic, chronological and physical scope of its collection and defines curator responsibilities and archivist duties. General criteria for evaluating and accepting an item into the collection are outlined and exhibition guidelines listed. An accession donation form with donor’s contact information and artifact’s relevance to Eagle County must be filled out to determine whether it will be accepted into ECHS’ collection. A guide for docents will be provided. The board will revisit and vote on the policy at the next board meeting.
A request was made to make the Past-Perfect data base, the program used to maintain artifact records, easier to use by simplifying instructions for searching artifacts in the collection.
Museum Signage-The board passed a motion to hire a graphic artist to develop a style for ECHS signs creating a template for category headers, labels, headings and stories. The template will create a uniform look for museum signage. The board approved spending up to $500 for the design. Outdoor signs for the caboose, the general store and the blacksmith shop are all being considered for improvement.
Finances-ECHS is considering a short-term CD investment. The board also passed a motion that, at the discretion of the ECHS board, a volunteer who offers professional services free of charge may receive a stipend for travel expenses.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle County Now and Then Photo Exhibit- As part of Eagle County’s 140 year anniversary celebration, ‘Now and Then’ photos will be displayed at the following locations: Eagle Library in March, Vail Library in April, Avon Library in May, and the Minturn Town Hall in July.
El Vaquero Program- March 8, 6 p.m., Eagle Library
Ute Program- Wednesday, April 5, 5:30 pm, Vail Public Library
Rosie the Riveter- May 10, 5:30 p.m., Avon Library
VBRHistory Class for Realtors- May 23, 10 a.m.
Kid’s program- July 18, 1 p.m., Gypsum Library
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is April 6.
February 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
February 2, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Willy Powell, Joanne Cermak, Sandy Van Campen, Marion Loughlin, Lynn Albers, Dennis Laird
New Business
Eagle Valley Library Changes-Archivist Matthew Michelson will be leaving EVLD, as is Linda Tillson.
City Market Rewards-ECHS received $130.05 in the City Market Rewards program.
Summer Vail Project-Lynn and Matthew have been working on the Summer Vail Art Legacy Project, a joint project between the Vail Library and Eagle Valley Library districts. They have been surveying documents, slides and negatives to see what might be scanned to local digital archives. Lynn requested ECHS help in purchasing archival folders and boxes for the project. A motion was made and passed to contribute up to $250 for the purchase of the requested archival material for the first phase of the project.
Continuing Business
Eagle County’s 140th Anniversary- As part of the county’s anniversary celebrations this year the Vail Public Library is planning a Ute Program April 5. Lynn suggested ECHS lend items from its Ute display at the museum to the Vail Library to use in the entry way gallery display cases. The items will be returned to the museum in May in time for the museum’s opening.
The Caboose-Plans are underway to commence painting the caboose this spring. Willy will update the previous bid from the painter for labor costs and contact Signature Signs for the development of stencil graphics. Dennis and Willy are working out plans for the entry way in order to eliminate rusted areas, but other rusted areas have been deemed too difficult and expensive to repair. The original color of the caboose was an orange, but over time faded out to yellow. The board agreed to return the caboose to the original orange color.
Museum Signage-Kathy has contacted graphic artist Sue Throckmorton to develop a signage template for museum. This will permit consistency throughout the displays and comply with the museum action plan created last year. Kathy and Sue will arrange a time to visit the museum.
Membership-Marion reported ECHS has 90 memberships and 100 members. Each town in the county has also joined.
Mark Your Calendars
Kick-off for Eagle County’s 140th Anniversary- Wednesday, February 8, 6:10-6:45 pm, CMC Edwards. Kathy will be the guest speaker.
Ute Program- Wednesday, April 5, 5:30 pm, Vail Public Library
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is March 2.
January 2023
Eagle County Historical Society
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Present: Kathy Heicher, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Sandy Van Campen, Jaci Spuhler, Lynn Albers, Matthew Mikelson, Dennis Laird, Annie Colby, Maggie Luby, Barbara Palermo
New Business
Eagle Valley Library District History department- Matthew gave the board an update on the history department. He has been involved with lots of project ‘clean up.’ He has added 2000 photographs to the digital archives and continues work on the Doll Family documents collection. There are 8500 photographs in the digital archives and approximately 3000 to 4000 yet to be added. he is always interested in obtaining volunteers to help with the photo project.
Matthew has identified some housed collections that are out of scope for Eagle County and is trying to find new homes for these collections. He has contacted the state as well as the Denver Public Library to see if they are interested in these photos.
At their last meeting, the library board approved purchase of some moveable shelving for archival storage in the basement. This shelving will save space and should be installed in May.
Eagle County’s 140th Anniversary- Kathy has been meeting with the town’s Communications Director Claire Noble about plans for the town’s involvement in the Eagle County celebration. Activities kick-off February 8, 6:10-6:45 pm at CMC Edwards with a program about the beginnings of Eagle County featuring Kathy Heicher as speaker. The Vail Public Library plans a Ute Program April 5 at 5:30 pm. The board showed interest in supporting county efforts with cost sharing.
Summer Vail Art Legacy Project-Matthew and Lynn have been working on the Summer Vail Art Legacy Project. Summer Vail Art occurred in summer 1971 to 1984. They have been surveying slides and negatives to see what to scan to local digital archives. This collection would be shared with the Vail Library. This is a long term project that could last as long as three years.
Colorado Gives Day Revenues-ECHS received $3,261 on-line donations and $5,200 off-line donations for a total of $8,461. The town of Eagle granted ECHS $2,357 towards the painting and signage for the caboose. ECHS’ current bank account totals $95,923.50.
Annual Report to the Town-Kathy will present the annual report to the Eagle Town Board on Tuesday, January 24 at 6:00 pm. In other town dealings, ECHS is still waiting to hear about the status of the Visitors’ Center as this influences museum operations. ECHS would also like the wifi signal restored at the museum. It is essential to have internet access there for accession recording, credit card donations and book sales.
Museum Planning-The board, along with docents Annie Colby, Maggie Luby, Barbara Palermo and star volunteer Dennis Laird, proceeded to work on museum planning. Rearrangement of the lobby area was top priority and the goal is to have it done by the season’s opening day.
Mark Your Calendars
Eagle Town Board Annual Report- Tuesday, January 24, 6:00 pm
Kick-off for Eagle County’s 140th Anniversary- Wednesday, February 8, 6:10-6:45 pm, CMC Edwards
Ute Program- Wednesday, April 5, 5:30 pm, Vail Public Library
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is Thursday, February 2.
November 2022
Eagle County Historical Society
Board Meeting
November 3, 2022
Present: Kathy Heicher, Marion Laughlin, Janice Tonz, Joanne Cermak, Lynn Albers
New Business
ECHS Budget 2022-2023-The board reviewed the draft budget prepared by Willy and Kathy. After discussion and a few minor changes, a motion was made by Marion and seconded by Janice, to pass the budget.
Kathy reported ECHS received $154.14 from City Market Rewards. Fifteen households currently designate ECHS as their rewards recipient.
Colorado Gives Day-Tuesday, December 6 is Colorado Gives Day this year. ECHS will participate in the Honk and Wave at the Eagle roundabout from 8:30 to 9:15 that morning. Amy will advertise on social media sites. An Eagle County Gives Community Rally will be held Tuesday, November 29, 5-7 pm at 4 Eagle Ranch celebrating Eagle County Non-Profits. Learn more about the non-profits and celebrate with appetizers and music at this free rally. All community members are welcome but online registration is required.
Eagle County’s 140th Anniversary-Kathy and Matthew are working with the county on tentative plans for Eagle County’s 140th Anniversary, February 11, 2023. A ‘then and now’ book is being discussed.
Continuing Business
Museum Update-Lynn reported that the museum is closed down for the winter season. She requested any exhibit development projects be identified and prioritized during the winter. It was proposed that the first project to be undertaken is the reorientation of the foyer area, relocating the store counter to open up space. Other winter projects are the addition and improvement of interior signs. Lynn has recently added two new signs to the Ute exhibit area.
Thanks to Willy, Dennis and Lynn the Blacksmith Shop now has plexiglass in place of chicken wire.
Some Early McCoy books were gifted to the museum.
Annual Meeting-Kathy suggested a possible speaker for ECHS’s annual meeting, Randy Samuelson Brown, author of Bad Old Days of Colorado. The meeting will likely be held up valley in January or February.
Gypsum Cemetery Tour-Kathy met with the Gypsum Town Board to request financial sponsorship for next year’s Gypsum Cemetery tour.
Mark Your Calendars
Authors in Autumn Event-Saturday, November 19 at the Eagle Library
Colorado Gives Day Rally-Tuesday, November 29 at 4 Eagle Ranch, free to all community members but online registration is required
Colorado Gives Day-Tuesday, December 6
The next regularly scheduled ECHS board meeting is on Thursday, December 1.
October 2022
Eagle County Historical Society
Monthly meeting – Oct. 6, 2022
Present: Kathy Heicher, Willy Powell, Sandy Van Campen. ** Note: Because there was not a quorum, no votes were taken, although several matters were discussed.
New Business
Museum wrap-up:
Premlinary budget review
Continuing Business
Mark your calendars