Society Documents
Learn about the Eagle County Historical Society
Learn about the Eagle County Historical Society
This page contains links to key documents of the Eagle County Historical Society. Click on a link to see the current version of these documents. Contact us if you have a concern or question regarding any of these documents.
Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report
September 2022 – August 2023
Programs & Partnerships
History ‘Assists’
Goals for Next Fiscal Year:
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report, September 2019- August 2020
This has been a challenging year for the ECHS, as it is for everybody. The COVID pandemic forced us to halt our planned events and activities, and to keep our museum closed for the season. However, we have remained busy. Despite the pandemic, we reached 641 people directly with our programs, and helped dozens more with research and questions. Here’s a summary of the past year:
Education programs
Partner Events and Programs
Pandemic -related programs
We appreciate the support from members and community during this unique year. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with suggestions or questions.
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report, September 2018 – August 2019
Events and Programs
Education Programs
Behind the Scenes
Fundraising campaign
Annual Report 2018
Annual Report
September 2017 – August 2018
• Recorded a total of 6,066 visitors, down from 9,910 visitors in the 2017 season. The drop in attendance directly corresponds to the removal of the “Rest Area” sign from I-70. The ECHS is working with the town of Eagle and the Colorado Department of Transportation to address the issue.
• Hosted museum tours for 156 elementary school students.
• Updated several exhibits with the addition of large, canvas photographs and interpretive text.
• Loaned artifacts for exhibits at the Eagle Library (school display, winter sports display, Brush Creek Ranching and Lady Belle Mine) and at the Betty Ford Alpine Garden (mining history display).
• BuSky Restoration generously donated their services for the annual museum cleaning.
• Volunteer Jaci Spuhler assumed the task of accessioning artifacts that have accumulated since the passing of our museum curator, John Bronn.
• Completed repairs of the Nottingham player piano, and acquired a dozen rolls of music.
o Celebrated piano with “Honky Tonk Night at the Museum” event.
• Continued to pursue acquisition of Past Perfect software for digitizing archive records.
o Camp Hale Croquet set
o Tools from Holy Cross City
o Photographs and journals from the Al Borah family
• Launched new ECHS website in July 2018.
• Participated in “Colorado Gives Day,” raising $2,020.
• The ECHS had 81 members in the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
• Assisted Colorado State Parks & Wildlife with pursuit of GOCO grant for preservation of Upper Brush Creek School.
o Hosted Brush Creek snowshoe history event at old school and Visitor Center
o Wrote letter of support
o Set up historical photo display at Visitor Center
o Hosted Joe Dice to tell stories at Visitor Center
• Worked with Eagle County Open Space on history presentation related to Hardscrabble Ranch property.
• Partnered with Eagle Valley Land Trust on two Horn Ranch history hikes, with a total of about 50 people participating.
• Partnered with Walking Mountain Science Center on “Hiking through
History” programs. About 50 people participated.
o Sweetwater Indian Cave
o McCoy Fossil Beds
Neil with group
• Worked with Betty Ford Alpine Gardens on “History of Mining” evening program (35 attendees).
o Loaned artifacts for mining display.
• Partnered with Eagle Valley Library District on collection and digitizing of photos and documents.
• Partnered with Eagle Valley Library District on Nimon-Walker award program honoring Verne Albertson.
• Partnered with Vail Public Library in bringing education programs to elementary students.
• Worked with Avon Historical Committee on efforts to preserve Hannewald barn.
• Worked with Four Rivers Historical Alliance in setting up traveling exhibit focusing on the Utes.
Projects and programs
• Red Cliff Cemetery Tour – 200 people participating.
• Published Verne Albertson memoir (now in its second printing)
• Women’s history presentation for Camp Hale Chapter of DAR
• Taught two local history classes for Vail Board of Realtors
• Took “History Take-Out” programs to 308 elementary school students at various schools in the
Annual Report 2017
Plans for 2018
* Many thanks to the ECHS Board and the dozens of volunteers who helped make 2017 a year of both ongoing and new accomplishments in our goal of preserving and sharing local history.
Annual Report 2016
Kids inside the museum
Sandy and John
Sunset View
Annual Report 2015
2015 Projects and Activities
Annual Report 2014
2014 Projects and Activities
Goals for 2015
Current Society By-Laws
Museum Collections and Exhibit Policy
Eagle County Historical Society
Museum Collections and Exhibit Policy
April 2023
ECHS Mission Statement: The Eagle County Historical Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to educate Eagle County residents and visitors about Eagle County’s rich history. To that end, the society will maintain archives that are available to the public, operate a historical museum, and offer educational programs and special events related to the county’s history.
Collection Policy
Purpose: The ECHS collection preserves and documents the history of Eagle County, providing interpretation for historic sites, programs, and users. Artifacts and two-dimensional collections are acquired, preserved, researched, and exhibited to foster an understanding of local history and to increase knowledge for ECHS and the public.
Collection Scope
All museum collection donations and acquisitions must be relevant to the ECHS and its mission.
Museum Curator
The ECHS does not currently have a curator but recognizes the importance of this position. The ECHS Board of Directors is urged to pursue such an employee as circumstances allow.
Curator responsibilities:
ECHS Archivist
The ECHS recognizes the importance of this position. Currently, a highly qualified volunteer is handling professional archivist functions. The ECHS Board of Directors is urged to pursue such an employee as circumstances allow.
Archivist duties:
Acquisition Policy
General criteria for evaluation of an item to be acceptable for the collection. The item considered should:
Exhibit Policy
Museum Exhibit Goal: Our goal in creating exhibits is to move beyond the simple of display of objects to a philosophy emphasizing use of artifacts, photos, and text to tell stories and educate the public. Exhibits also reflect market demand, relevancy, and budget. Exhibits should entertain as well as educate. Priority is to tell Eagle County-specific stories. Consistency in signage is essential to a professional presentation.
We acknowledge that improvement of exhibits is a multi-year, gradual, collaborative process requiring input from the ECHS Board, museum employees, ECHS members, and the general public .
Exhibit Guidelines:
Because the focus is Eagle County- specific, the museum may offer visitors suggestions and/or website links for other museums should they want to further explore another historic site.
These museums may also by an appropriate repository for non-Eagle County artifacts rejected by ECHS. This information should be easily sharable by the museum docents.