Last Stand of the Pack June 13
Event: The Last Stand of the Pack
What: A presentation about history of wolves in Eagle County, and their possible future in Colorado
Featuring: Fort Lewis College Professor and Historian Andrew Gulliford
When: Thursday, June 13
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: (Old) Exhibit Hall, Eagle County Fairgrounds, Eagle
Admission: $10 ($5 for Historical Society members).
In 1929, Forest Service conservationist Arthur Carhart and Bureau of Biological Survey hunter Stanley P.Young wrote “The Last Stand of the Pack,” the story of the extermination of the last wolves in Colorado
in the 1920s. Two of those wolves were from Eagle County.

Andrew Gulliford
Ninety years later, wolves are being viewed from a different perspective. College professor Andrew Gulliford and fellow author Tom Wolf have resurrected that 1929 book, reprinting it as an anthology that
includes the perspectives of ranchers and environmentalists. Gulliford will discuss the book in a special presentation hosted by the Eagle County Historical Society.
The public is welcome.