Tag Archive for: Eagle County Historical Society

The History of Eagle County + Museum Visit, Aug. 7, 2019

 Special offer for members only

Wednesday, Aug. 7,  9 a.m.

Eagle County Administration Building in Eagle, Garden-level classroom

Local historian Kathy Heicher will present a slide show and talk that will reveal Eagle County history stretching from the Ute occupation in the early 1800s to the development of the county’s ski resort economy in the 1960s. The lecture will be followed by a visit to the Historical Museum in Eagle.

To reserve a spot in the class, RSVP to: [email protected] by Aug. 6. Cost of the class is $10 for ECHS members. (Pay cash at the door or via the “Donation” button on our website, eaglecountyhistoricalsociety.com.)

*** Note: Local realtors seeking “Vail Pro” education credit for the class must register through the Vail Board of Realtors (http://www.vbr.net).

Seasons of the Nuche: June 5 through mid-July

 Ute Traveling Exhibit Seasons of the Nuche: Transitions of the Ute People

Colorado Mountain College in Edwards

June 5 – mid July

Presented by The Eagle County Historical Society, 

working in partnership with the Aspen Historical Society.

History buffs are invited to view the exhibit at any time during CMC’s regular operating hours. 

Song of the Nuche  June 20, 2019

A crowd of about 100 people turned out for the Eagle County Historical Society’s ‘Tales of the Ute People’ program. Aspen Historical Society’s Nina Gabianelli shared the Ute creation story and the history of the Utes in Colorado. Skyler Lomahaftewa, a member of the Northern Ute Indian tribe who lives in the Roaring Fork Valley, described his upbringing, traditions, and offered a song and drum demonstration. Many thanks to program sponsors ECHS, Colorado Mountain College, Metcalf Archaeological Consulting, and Aspen Historical Society.

Last Stand of the Pack June 13

Event: The Last Stand of the Pack
What: A presentation about history of wolves in Eagle County, and their possible future in Colorado
Featuring: Fort Lewis College Professor and Historian Andrew Gulliford
When: Thursday, June 13
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: (Old) Exhibit Hall, Eagle County Fairgrounds, Eagle
Admission: $10 ($5 for Historical Society members).

In 1929, Forest Service conservationist Arthur Carhart and Bureau of Biological Survey hunter Stanley P.Young wrote “The Last Stand of the Pack,” the story of the extermination of the last wolves in Colorado
in the 1920s. Two of those wolves were from Eagle County.

Andrew Gulliford

Ninety years later, wolves are being viewed from a different perspective. College professor Andrew Gulliford and fellow author Tom Wolf have resurrected that 1929 book, reprinting it as an anthology that
includes the perspectives of ranchers and environmentalists. Gulliford will discuss the book in a special presentation hosted by the Eagle County Historical Society.
The public is welcome.

Special Cowboy Moments: Eagle County Fair & Rodeo Video

Television writer Kevin Holten and his crew from RFD-TV (a cable television network with an emphasis on rural lifestyles) spent several days at the 2018 Eagle County Fair last year, shooting scenes celebrating Eagle County’s rural history and traditions. The show, “Special Cowboy Moments” aired for the first time Wednesday, May 22. You’ll find a lot of Eagle County history and some familiar faces in this program. Several of the interviews were filmed in our history museum. The length of the program (including advertising) is 28 minutes, so give yourself some time and enjoy!

Horn Ranch Hike Thursday May 30

The Eagle Valley Land Trust and Eagle County Historical Society will lead a hike to the historic stone quarry at the Horn Ranch on Thursday, May 30, noon – 2 p.m. Learn about the Horn Ranch conservation project, and Historical Society President Kathy Heicher will share the history of the early ranch and the colorful characters that lived there.

More information at https://evlt.org/community-land-connection-series-horn-ranch-historical-tour-thursday-may-30-2019-12-2pm/

The moderate hike is about two miles round trip and gains several hundred feet in elevation. Wear sturdy shoes and bring sunscreen and water. No dogs.

The tour is limited to the first 20 people who RSVP to the Land Trust at [email protected] or call (970) 748-7654.

A tour is also scheduled on Saturday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m. – noon.

These popular tours have limited space, and fill up quickly. Early reservations are recommended.

Directions and liability waivers will be forwarded upon registration.

Nimon-Walker honors Jaci Spuhler Sunday, April 28

ECHS volunteer Jaci Spuhler will be honored with the Nimon-Walker award during a program at the Avon Library on Sunday, April 28, 2 p.m. The award, established in 2001 by the ECHS and the Eagle Valley Library District, recognizes people who have helped preserve the history of Eagle County.

Working as the EVLD Local History and Archives librarian, Spuhler developed and made accessible to the public an extensive local history collection including thousands of digitized photographs. Since her retirement in 2015, she continues to volunteer in many capacities for the Eagle County Historical Society, including archiving of artifacts and working at special events.

The featured program for the event will be a portrayal of Colorado pioneer doctor Susan Anderson (“Doc Susie”) by Kathy Naples.

The Nimon-Walker event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

March 24, 2019 Beer and History at the Bonfire

Beer and whiskey are just as much a part of Eagle County’s history as mining, ranching, and skiing. The Eagle County Historical Society will present a special program about the county’s historical drinking habits at Bonfire Brewing in Eagle, 4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 24, in celebration of Colorado Craft Beer Week. Stop in for a brew and a bit of local history. (Early Gypsum saloon photo courtesy of Eagle County Historical Society and Eagle Valley Library District)

March 20, 2019 The History of Eagle County + Walking Tour of Historic Eagle


Special offer for members only

The History of Eagle County + Walking Tour of Historic Eagle

Wednesday, March 20  9 a.m.

Eagle County Administration Building in Eagle, Garden-level classroom

Local historian Kathy Heicher will present a slide show and talk that will reveal Eagle County history stretching from the Ute occupation in the early 1800s to the development of the county’s ski resort economy in the 1960s. The lecture will be followed by a walking tour of historic downtown Eagle.

To reserve a spot in the class, RSVP to: [email protected] by March 19. Cost of the class is $10 for ECHS members.

*** Note: Local realtors seeking “Vail Pro” education credit for the class must register through the Vail Board of Realtors (http://www.vbr.net).

Disaster and Recovery

Water and archives are a historian’s worst nightmare. A construction mishap at the Eagle Public Library on Jan. 10 caused water to flood into the basement archive storage room. The Eagle County Historical Society thanks Library Archivist Matthew Mickelson (pictured) and his fellow librarians for quickly pulling artifacts to safety. Thanks also to the Greater Eagle Fire Department for their quick and orderly response. Special thanks to Steammaster’s Jeff Sandoval and his experienced crew who immediately recognized the value of the historic documents and got the recovery process started. Experts have now transported the small part of our collection affected by the water to Denver for restoration. The ECHS looks forward to the return of our irreplaceable artifacts. Hurray for local history!

ECHS Annual Meeting!

The annual meeting and election of officers for the Eagle County Historical Society will take place Monday, Jan 7 at 8:15 a.m. at the Eagle Town Hall. What a good opportunity to come and see what the ECHS has been doing.
Please note that we are accepting nominations for the following positions:
Vice President
Finance director
Membership director
Events director
If you would like to get involved as a board member, please contact us:

970-328-7104  or[email protected]